Chinese Flight MU5735 Falls From High Altitude


On March 21, 2022, a Boeing 737(MU5735) of China Eastern Airlines lost contact with Wuzhou during the Kunming-Guangzhou flight. The plane has now been confirmed to have crashed. There were 132 people on board, including 123 passengers and 9 crew members. All forces have rushed to the scene for rescue.

March 22 at 1:29 am

More than 70 experts and 30 staff members of the helicopter medical team have arrived in Wuzhou, and 10 family members are rushing to Wuzhou. The relevant pick-up and drop-off work is still being carried out in an orderly manner.

March 22, 00:30

The working group of the Civil Aviation Administration of China arrived in Wuzhou on the evening of the 21st and started work quickly to guide and assist the local on-site rescue and aftermath.

March 21 at 22:03

The Southern Theater organized troops to rescue the crash site of China Eastern Airlines

After China Eastern Airlines MU5735 crashed in Teng County, Wuzhou, Guangxi, the southern theater quickly activated the emergency mechanism.

An army aviation brigade, a synthetic brigade, an air assault brigade of the army, a transportation and search brigade of the air force, and the armed police stationed around the incident site quickly completed their preparations and were ready to support at any time.

March 21 at 20:42

There were no foreign passengers on the crashed flight.

March 21 at 20:26

Family members of some crew members arrive at China Eastern Airlines Yunnan Branch

On March 21, some of the family members of the crashed crew of China Eastern Airlines arrived at the Yunnan branch of China Eastern Airlines, and the crew family assistance team is handling follow-up matters.

March 21 at 19:34

Guangdong has sent an expert team to Teng County to carry out emergency medical rescue

Four experts from Guangdong have set off and drove to Teng County, Wuzhou, Guangxi for support. The 4 experts are 2 from the Psychology Department of Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, 1 from the Department of Critical Care Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, and 1 from the Burn Department of the Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University.

March 21 at 19:28

China Eastern Airlines: China Eastern Airlines grounds all 737-800 passenger planes

After the accident, China Eastern Airlines has controlled all the company's 737-800 flights on the ground, and will no longer perform flights after the flight has landed.

March 21 at 19:18

Guangxi has sent an expert team to Teng County to carry out emergency medical rescue

Led by the leaders of the Guangxi Health and Health Commission, 12 experts in severe, burn, and orthopedic surgery was organized to go to Teng County for support. At present, the Wuzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission has dispatched more than 80 medical staff and 36 ambulances to the scene, set up rescue points on the scene, arranged first- and second-line treatment hospitals, set up fast lanes, and prepared blood and various rescue materials and equipment. The first batch of more than 50 psychologists from all over Guangxi is rushing to the scene one after another.

March 21 at 19:16

Some family members have arrived at Baiyun Airport

The family members of some passengers on the crashed flight have come to wait in the temporary reception area of ​​the T1 terminal of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, and some staff is trying to appease the family members.

March 21 at 18:39

The location of the plane crash revealed

The specific crash site of the Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines is Mozong Village, Tangnan Town, Teng County, Wuzhou City.

March 21 at 18:39

The preparatory working group of Baiyun Airport contacts the families of passengers

Guangzhou Baiyun Airport is preparing to set up a special working group, which is mainly responsible for contacting the families of passengers.

March 21 at 18:28

Boeing responds to China Eastern Airlines crash

Boeing China responded to reporters: We have seen relevant reports and are collecting relevant information. According to the data, the registration number of the crashed flight was B-1791, the model was Boeing 737-800, and the aircraft was 6 years old.

March 21 at 18:22

Relevant departments should pay attention to the adverse effects of the cooling and rainy weather process that began in the middle of the night on the rescue work.

March 21 at 18:22

Part of the wreckage and fragments of the crashed plane has been found

The first fire fighting force has arrived at the scene to carry out rescue, and some wreckage and fragments of the crashed plane have been found.

March 21 at 17:26

Wuzhou city fire rescue first battle force has arrived at the crash site

After receiving the alarm, the Wuzhou Fire Rescue Detachment immediately dispatched 23 fire trucks and 117 fire rescue personnel to rescue. The first battle force has arrived at the crash site for rescue. The Guangxi Fire and Rescue Corps quickly launched the emergency plan, and the full-time headquarters rushed to the scene and dispatched 538 fire rescue personnel from Nanning, Liuzhou, Guilin, Beihai, Yulin, Hezhou, Laibin, and Hechi Detachment to reinforce.

March 21 at 17:15

The forest fire caused by the crash has been extinguished

The forest fire caused by the crash of the China Eastern Airlines passenger plane has been extinguished. Rescue forces from all walks of life are working intensively.

March 21 at 17:08

China Eastern opens a special line for emergency assistance for family members: 4008495530

China Eastern Airlines has activated the emergency mechanism, dispatched a working group to the scene, and has opened an emergency assistance phone number: 4008495530.

March 21 at 16:59

Guangxi Emergency Management Department: Rescue forces are rushing to the scene, and rescue work is being carried out in an orderly manner

At 14:15 on March 21, China Eastern Airlines flight ces5735 lost contact in Teng County, Wuzhou City. At present, rescue forces are rushing to the scene, and the rescue work is being carried out in an orderly manner.

March 21 at 16:34

Civil Aviation Administration of China: A China Eastern Airlines plane lost contact and crashed over Wuzhou, with 132 people on board

On March 21, 2022, a Boeing 737 of China Eastern Airlines lost contact with Wuzhou during the Kunming-Guangzhou flight. The plane has now been confirmed to have crashed. There were 132 people on board, including 123 passengers and 9 crew members.

The Civil Aviation Administration has activated the emergency mechanism and dispatched a working group to the scene.