China's Ministry Of Foreign Affairs On Whether To Support Russia


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded whether it will provide military equipment support to Russia

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the afternoon of the 24th, a reporter asked: Does China provide Russia with military equipment? Does China have similar plans, including support to other Russian parties?

In this regard, Hua Chunying said: "On this issue, China's approach is qualitatively different from that of the United States. When we see the risk of conflict, we will not take the initiative to provide weapons to each other, and we will not be like the United States. Ukraine provides a large number of military facilities and equipment to do that. As a powerful power, Russia does not need China or other countries to provide it.”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: How to respect national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the United States is probably not qualified to tell China what to do!

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the afternoon of the 24th, the reporter asked: US State Department spokesperson Price said on the Ukraine issue that China should respect the principles of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and China should urge Russia to make concessions on the Ukraine issue. But the direction of Sino-Russian relations is worrying. The Sino-Russian joint statement shows that China is trying to use its influence on Russia to achieve the purpose of creating a world order between the two countries. What's your opinion?

Hua Chunying first pointed out in response: "I have noticed the relevant remarks of the spokesperson of the US State Department. I think first of all about how to respect national sovereignty and territorial integrity, the US side is probably not qualified to tell China what to do! Regarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, China The people have a particularly real and deep understanding and feeling.”

Hua Chunying said that since modern times, China has suffered from colonial aggression by the Eight-Power Allied Forces and foreign countries, and has a particularly tragic memory of losing its rights and humiliating the country. Just over 20 years ago, the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed by NATO, killing three Chinese journalists and injuring many others. NATO still owes China a blood debt. And today, we still face the real threat of the US and its so-called "ally" wantonly interfering in China's internal affairs on issues related to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan, undermining China's sovereignty and security. China is also the only permanent member of the Security Council that has not achieved complete reunification of the motherland. Because of this, China has always resolutely upheld the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms governing international relations, the country's sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, and international fairness and justice.

Hua Chunying pointed out that in the less than 250 years since the founding of the United States, the United States has not launched military actions outside the country for less than 20 years; and the name of military intervention is sometimes "democracy", sometimes "human rights", and sometimes even a fake. information! Such a country's understanding of respecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity must be different from ours. The international community is also very clear about this.

Hua Chunying also pointed out that as for the US's suggestion that Russia has China's backing, I believe Russia will be very unhappy to hear such a statement. Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council and an independent power. The Russian side decides to formulate and implement its diplomacy and strategy entirely based on its judgment and the interests of its country. I also have to stress that the establishment of Sino-Russian relations based on "non-alignment, non-confrontation, and non-targeting of third parties", from the US's ideological line drawing gangs to engage in "small circles" and bloc politics, and creating confrontation and division are fundamentally fundamental. Different from quality, China is neither interested nor imitated by the Cold War mentality of either friend or foe and the practice of piecing together so-called alliances and "small circles".

Hua Chunying emphasized that as for the Sino-Russian joint statement, we would like to ask the US side to read it carefully. China and Russia strengthen strategic communication and coordination, firmly safeguard the system in which the United Nations plays a core coordinating role in international affairs, and firmly uphold the purposes of the UN Charter. The international order based on international law, including the principles and principles, is precisely a manifestation of responsibility and a positive factor in maintaining international strategic security issues.