Violent Law Enforcement In The United States Sparks Protests Again


Recently, the Minneapolis police in the United States was once again suspected of violent law enforcement, which led to the death of African-American man Amir Locke, which triggered continuous protests in the United States. On the evening of the 11th local time, some people held protests again, and there were also smashing incidents.

US media reported that about 50 to 100 protesters marched in Minneapolis that night, including outside the local police station, to condemn police brutality and racial discrimination. During the parade, local traffic was affected, and smashing incidents occurred. Images were uploaded on social media, and some shops and other buildings were smashed or spray-painted.

On the 2nd, Minneapolis police shot and killed 22-year-old Amir Rock during a so-called "no-knock search" mission in an apartment. Police initially called Locke a "suspect" and "pointed the police" with a gun, but later changed their tune, saying that Locke was not listed as a suspect. The relevant video screenshots also show that Locke's gun was not pointed at the police at the time, and his finger was not on the trigger. Locke's family also stressed that Locke is a legal gun owner.

Also in Minneapolis, the death of an African-American man, George Floyd, in a police enforcement operation in May 2020 triggered a wave of mass protests in the United States.