US Media: Intel Deletes Xinjiang-related Content In An Open Letter


The "Wall Street Journal" reported on the 10th that the newspaper checked Intel's official website on the same day and found that the company had deleted the relevant Xinjiang-related content in the so-called open letter issued at the end of last year to prohibit Xinjiang labor, purchase products or services. This open letter issued by Intel has caused strong disgust in the Chinese public opinion field. The company issued a public statement on December 23 last year, expressing "deep regret" for the questions and concerns raised by the incident, and "deeply sorry" for causing trouble to Chinese customers, partners and the public. But many Chinese netizens are not convinced by its sincerity.

Intel said in a statement Monday that the company will continue to ensure compliance with laws and regulations in the U.S. and other locations where it operates, the report said.

The Wall Street Journal also mentioned in the report that another major American company, Walmart, has recently overturned the issue of product procurement in Xinjiang.