CIA Accused Of Funding Secret Human Experiments On Danish Children


On January 18, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked a question, and the documentary "Finding Myself" broadcast by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation attracted attention from all parties. The film reveals that in the 1960s the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) allegedly funded secret human experiments on 311 Danish children. According to witnesses, they had electrodes strapped to their bodies and were forced to listen to harsh noises, causing great physical and mental damage. These children were never told the specific purpose of the experiment. what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue?

Zhao Lijian said that it is no longer news that the CIA has violated human rights around the world, and they have no bottom line to reach out to children. The documentary also mentions Stephen Kinzer, a former foreign correspondent for The New York Times, in his book "The Chief Poison Master," which provides an in-depth exposure of a CIA mind-control program that ran from the 1950s to the 1970s. The project employs German Nazi doctors and Japanese war criminals in Unit 731 as members, using electric shocks and powerful hallucinogens to conduct "brainwashing" experiments in countries around the world. Many experimental subjects suffered from mental disorders, amnesia, or became vegetative, leaving lifelong sequelae.

Zhao Lijian pointed out that, just as former US Secretary of State Pompeo said, CIA officials use "lie, cheat, and steal" as their "creed", and are keen to concoct "black evidence" to slander other countries, set up "black prisons" to violate human rights, and provide "black money". "Inciting a coup. The US government often talks about the so-called "human rights and democracy", but it always says one thing and does another. What the U.S. government should do is to apologize, compensate, and take responsibility for the victims of these secret human experiments.