China Calls On All Parties To Conflict In Yemen To Immediately Cease Fire And Stop Violence


Dai Bing, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, said on the 12th that ending the conflict at an early date means saving more lives. All parties to the conflict in Yemen should immediately cease-fire and stop violence, exercise maximum restraint, and avoid taking all actions that would escalate the situation.

Dai Bing said at the Security Council's open meeting on the Yemen issue that day, the situation in Yemen has continued to be turbulent and the escalation of hostilities by all parties to the conflict has aroused widespread concern in the international community. At the beginning of the new year, the Yemeni people urgently need to gain confidence and hope for the future. It is hoped that all parties in Yemen will uphold good political will, exchange views candidly and reach a realistic and feasible political solution at an early date. The Yemen issue concerns peace and stability in the Gulf region, and the regional situation also affects the situation in Yemen. China calls on regional countries to play an active role in promoting peace and talks on the Yemen issue, which serves the common interests of all parties.

Dai Bing said that the humanitarian needs of Yemen continue to expand, and 15.6 million Yemeni people have fallen into extreme poverty. It is urgent to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and improve the economic situation in Yemen. China supports the United Nations in continuing to advance the Yemen Economic Framework and implementing short-term, medium- and long-term relief measures in phases. The international community should continue to provide financial and material assistance to Yemen and maintain the United Nations humanitarian relief program in Yemen. All parties in Yemen should abide by international humanitarian law, ensure humanitarian access, and protect civilians, especially vulnerable groups such as women and children. China supports the Yemeni government to take active measures in the field of economy and people's livelihood, regulate the oil and fuel market and strengthen the management of financial affairs.