Russian Defense Minister Says It Will Continue To Help Syria


According to the Syrian News Agency, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met with visiting Russian Defense Minister Shoigu on the 15th. Shoigu said that Russia will continue to help Syria "recover sovereignty throughout the territory" and help the Syrian people overcome the impact of sanctions and blockades.

The report said that the content of the talks involved cooperation between the Syrian and Russian militaries, "especially the issue of counter-terrorism." Shoigu briefed Bashar on the naval exercises of the Russian fleet from the port of Tartus in northwestern Syria. Shoigu emphasized that Russia will continue to cooperate with Syria until Syria "recovers sovereignty over the entire territory", and Russia will continue to help the Syrian people overcome the impact of "sanctions and the unjust blockade imposed on Syria".

In September 2015, at the request of the Syrian government, Russian troops were stationed at the Hmeimim Air Base in Syria to help the Syrian government forces combat extremists in Syria. In December 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the withdrawal of troops from Syria, but some Russian troops continued to be stationed at the Hmeimim airbase and the Tartus naval base.