Leaders Of Many Countries And Heads Of International Organizations Delivered New Year's Greetings


On the occasion of 2022, leaders of many countries and heads of international organizations issued New Year's greetings, calling on the people to unite as one, join hands in fighting the epidemic, overcoming challenges, and working hard for recovery.

Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia has overcome many difficulties in 2021, mainly due to the Russian people. He said that the Russian economy has recovered in a short period, and the strategic development goals are currently being achieved in many areas. In the future, only by improving people's livelihood and well-being and improving people's quality of life, Russia can become stronger.

Kazakhstan President Tokayev said that 2021 will not be easy for the people of Kazakhstan, but the people are united, overcome all difficulties and risks, withstand all challenges, and have achieved substantive achievements in all fields. In the new year, the government will make every effort to improve the well-being of the people and increase the country’s competitiveness.

Belarusian President Lukashenko called on people not to forget history, respect the past, and love the motherland. Belarus has set new goals in the new year to work hard for the country's future development.

Lao President Thong Lun said that looking back on 2021, the most important thing is the opening of the Lao-China Railway. Despite the difficulties and challenges faced by the new crown epidemic, Laos has achieved sustained economic growth in 2021, and the people's living standards have continued to improve. I hope that the country will take new steps in 2022.

Thai Prime Minister Prayut said that in the past year, the Thai people have experienced many hardships. In addition to the recurrence of the new crown epidemic, many places have also encountered natural disasters. The new year means a new starting point. I hope that the Thai people will regard the various experiences of last year as experience and continue to unite as one to overcome the difficulties together.

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that in the past two years, everyone has been in the same boat and actively cooperated with the government’s epidemic prevention measures to tide over the difficulties. In the future, the people of Singapore still need to remain united and continue to face longer-term challenges with unwavering determination.

Malaysian Prime Minister Ismail said that with the increase in confirmed cases of new crowns in some countries and the emergence of mutant strains, the Malaysian government has taken specific measures to prepare. He said that 2022 will be the year when Malaysia will return to orbit, and he hopes that the whole people will create new glory for 2022.

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that Japan is facing the threat of a more infectious mutated new crown virus Omi Kiron strain and will continue to respond according to the crisis management principle of "preparing for the worst, being cautious and then cautious". In addition, Japan will use digitization, climate change, economic security, innovation, and technology as its economic growth engine.

Kenyan President Kenyatta said that Kenya will fully promote universal health coverage in 2022. In the new year, Kenya will continue to uphold the development philosophy of the world’s common prosperity, and continue to support and promote the cause of peace, harmony, reconciliation and cooperation in the UN Security Council.

Tanzanian President Hassan said that in the past year, Tanzania has made many achievements, including national peace and stability, positive economic growth, and sufficient foreign exchange reserves. At the same time, through policy reforms such as laws and taxation, foreign investment will be attracted and capital will flow back.

Senegalese President Sall said that in the face of the new crown epidemic, Senegal's medical system is still operating normally, thanks to the state's investment and the dedication of the medical staff. In the new year, the government will further strengthen infrastructure construction within the framework of the "Revitalizing Senegal" plan. In addition, it will also revitalize the rural economy and provide more employment opportunities for youth and women.

French President Macron said that France will assume the rotating presidency of the European Union from January 1. 2022 will also be France's decisive year and election year. He called on the public to actively get the third shot of the vaccine, work together to fight the epidemic, and work hard to get rid of the influence of the new crown epidemic and accelerate the development of French politics, economy and society next year.

German Chancellor Schultz called on the people to unite in the fight against the new crown epidemic, continue to maintain social distancing, and get vaccinated as soon as possible. He said that the 2020s will be a decade of "departure", and Germany will promote the largest economic restructuring in more than 100 years. At the same time, Germany will continue to be committed to the construction and development of the European Union.

British Prime Minister Johnson positively commented on the UK's new crown vaccine plan in his congratulatory speech and thanked the people for their active vaccination. In addition, he also reminded the public to take precautions when participating in New Year celebrations.

Italian President Mattarella said that in the past year, scientific researchers, medical staff and all those who are committed to fighting the new crown epidemic have made great contributions, and they should be grateful to the people who follow the scientific epidemic prevention rules and choose to be vaccinated against the new crown.

In his New Year's message, United Nations Secretary-General Guterres called on the people of all countries to unite, cooperate and help each other in the same boat, and strive to make 2022 a year of recovery for the international community. He said that great suffering also means great opportunities, which means that the human family will move forward hand in hand.