US Expels Members Of Russian UN Delegation


According to Agence France-Presse news, in response to the US expulsion of 12 members of the Russian UN delegation, the Russian ambassador to the US Antonov responded on the 28th, calling it a "hostile" act.

"This is a hostile act against our country," Antonov said on social media, adding that Moscow was "deeply disappointed" and "completely rejects" the U.S. claim.

On February 28, local time, a dramatic scene occurred when Nebenja, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations, held a press conference at the end of the rotating presidency of the Security Council. Nebenja's speech was interrupted by a phone call. Nebenja then informed the reporters at the scene that he had just been confirmed that the Permanent Mission of Russia to the United Nations had received a notification from the United States that 12 staff members of the Russian mission had been listed as "persona non grata" and requested that they have until March 7. departure.

Nebenja said the United States continues to violate the obligations of the United Nations host country. It is not yet known the specifically required departure personnel, and the reasons for the United States to act in this way are not known for the time being. Nebenja said that Russia will fight back.