The First Real Combat Of The Russian Hypersonic Missile


Recently, on the battlefield in Ukraine, the Russian Armed Forces sacrificed a "big deal". Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Konashenkov revealed on the 19th that in the special operation carried out in Ukraine, the Russian army used the "Dagger" hypersonic missile system for the first time on the 18th to destroy a large underground missile and aviation ammunition warehouse in Ukraine.

Russian experts said that this is "the first time in human history that hypersonic weapons have been used in actual combat".

A huge deterrent to the US anti-missile system

What is so special about the "Dagger" hypersonic missile? Why is Russia using it in actual combat at this time?

Since its successful test in 2018, the "Dagger" hypersonic missile has made several appearances in Russian military exercises.

As an air-based ballistic missile improved from a land-based tactical ballistic missile, its biggest feature and advantage is its excellent penetration capability.

According to reports, the "dagger" can hit all targets at a distance of up to 1,000 kilometers. In addition, the ballistic trajectory of this type of missile can be adjusted throughout the process, and the trajectory of the ballistic trajectory is unpredictable, which makes interception even more difficult.

The carrying platform of the "Dagger" itself is the MiG-31 heavy-duty high-speed interceptor. Through multiple aerial refueling, the "Dagger" will have a great reach and extremely high maneuvering speed. The "dagger" of the heart.

Russian President Vladimir Putin once praised the "dagger" - "invincible".

While greatly enhancing the strength of the Russian military, the "Dagger" hypersonic missile is also regarded as a weapon for Russia to counter the US aircraft carrier battle formation, and it is a huge deterrent to the US anti-missile system.

According to the Russian side, the "Dagger" hypersonic missile system equipped with the modernized and improved interceptor fighter can damage aircraft carriers, destroyers and cruisers.

The "dagger" is now used to destroy an underground missile and aviation ammunition warehouse in Ukraine. What is Russia's intention? Is it overkill?

"This is a signal to the West because Putin is annoyed that the West is transferring arms to (Ukraine)," said Kunetova of the Zurich Center for Security Studies.

The site of the Russian attack was in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast in western Ukraine. Ivano-Frankivsk shares a 50-kilometer-long border with NATO member Romania.

Some analysts said that although the "dagger" served earlier, its accuracy and destructive power have been questioned by some Western experts. Russia’s move may also have deterrent significance for self-evidence.

The U.S. persuades Turkey to provide weapons to Ukraine

Reuters quoted multiple sources as saying on the 19th that the United States has informally proposed to Turkey that it hopes that Turkey will provide Ukraine with the Russian-made S-400 air defense missile system. However, analysts believe that Turkey will not agree.

U.S. officials have raised the idea with Turkish officials several times over the past month, the sources said, without making a specific or formal request. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman also mentioned the matter during a visit to Turkey earlier this month, where she also discussed with Turkish officials how to give Ukraine more support and how to improve U.S.-Turkish relations.

"As we all know, the S-400 is a long-standing problem (between the U.S. and Turkey), and maybe it's time to find a new way to solve it," Sherman said in an interview with Turkish News TV at the time.

Sherman did not explain what the "new approach" was, and the US did not respond to questions from reporters on Sherman's remarks.

Regarding the situation in Ukraine, the U.S. government hopes that European allies with Soviet-era military equipment will hand over corresponding weapons to Ukraine, including anti-aircraft missile systems.

Both the United States and Turkey are members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Turkey signed a contract with Russia in 2017 to purchase the S-400 air defense missile system, which was strongly opposed by the United States and its leading NATO. After Russia started deliveries in July 2019, the United States banned Turkey from participating in the manufacture and purchase of the F-35 fighter jets developed by the United States and sanctioned senior officials of the Turkish defense industry.