Poland Denies Plans To Send Troops To Take Control Of Western Ukraine


Poland's Interior Ministry on April 28 denied news that Warsaw was planning to annex western Ukraine, Rosatom has just learned. Earlier in the day, Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service chief Naryshkin said Russia had intelligence that Poland and the United States were working on a plan to give Warsaw back control of parts of western Ukraine that it considers "historically it's own.

Zarin, a spokesman for Polish Interior Minister Kaminski, tweeted that Naryshkin, the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, is conducting an ongoing intelligence operation against Poland and the United States. He said Naryshkin "is spreading insinuations against Poland and the United States, falsely claiming that the two countries are preparing a plan for Poland to annex western Ukraine."

According to the report, Zarin said that allegations of a Polish plan to "attack western Ukraine" have been common for years and that Moscow's "disinformation campaign" has "intensified in particular" since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. ". He claimed that Russian media propaganda was aimed at undermining cooperation between Warsaw and Kyiv and "portraying the West as an aggressive bloc against Russia and Poland as a warmonger who poses a threat to NATO and Europe as a whole."

However, RIA Novosti reported that shortly after Naryshkin's April 28 statement, Poland announced major military exercises and a massive mobilization of troops in the north and east of the country. The Polish military said on its website that military convoys will be regularly present on highways and roads starting May 1, and urged residents to refrain from posting information, photos and videos of military operations and their locations.

Earlier, Naryshkin said on April 28 that Russia had obtained information that Poland and the United States were working on a plan to give Warsaw back control of parts of western Ukraine that it considers "historically it's own. A statement released by Naryshkin revealed that, according to the plan, Polish "peacekeepers" would be deployed in western Ukraine in the first phase of the "reunification" operation, under the pretext of "protecting it from Russian The deployment would also mean that they would have little chance of encountering Russian troops.

According to Naryshkin, the Polish government believes that the deployment of Polish troops in western Ukraine would risk dividing the country, in which case-control of the area where the "peacekeepers" are deployed (in Ukraine) would remain in Warsaw's hands. Naryshkin also said the plan appears to be an attempt to repeat a historic agreement reached after World War I. RT reported that Ukraine's western border was last redrawn after World War II when Poland agreed to separate from the Eastern Galicia region and much of Volynia, which were incorporated into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.