Over 100 Ukrainian Soldiers And Foreign Mercenaries Killed In Russian Aerospace Forces Attack On A Ukrainian Military Training Center


According to RIA Novosti and Itar-Tass reported on the 20th, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Sunday that the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out the training of the Ukrainian special operations forces training center in Ukraine's Zhitomyr region. missile strikes and foreign mercenaries are stationed there.

Konashenkov said, "[The Russian Aerospace Forces launched] high-precision air-launched missiles that attacked a training center of the Special Operations Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Ovruch region of Zhytomyr Oblast, where foreign countries also arrived in Ukraine. The base of mercenaries." He said that the precision strike killed more than 100 Ukrainian special operations forces soldiers and foreign mercenaries.

In addition, the Russian Ministry of Defense said on the 20th that the Russian army also fired "Dagger" hypersonic missiles and "Caliber" cruise missiles to destroy a large military fuel base of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Nikolayev Oblast.

According to previous reports, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that the Russian army used the "Dagger" hypersonic missile on the 18th to destroy an underground large missile and aviation ammunition depot in the Ivano-Frankivsk region of Ukraine. This is the first time Russia has used the Dagger hypersonic missile in this special military operation against Ukraine.