British Media: NATO Says It Is Ready To Deal With 'New Armed Conflict'


According to a report on the website of the British "Financial Times" on January 9, NATO will conduct tense diplomatic consultations with Russia for a week. On the eve of talks between the two sides, NATO warned Moscow to abandon its "belligerent" foreign policy and cooperate with the West or face a military alliance determined to deal with the conflict.

As Western officials prepare for discussions with Moscow over cuts to military exercises, arms control and a commitment not to deploy U.S. missiles in Ukraine, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has claimed that if talks fail, U.S. The defense coalition headed by it is ready for "a new armed conflict in Europe".

"I know the history of Russia. For hundreds of years, they have conflicted with their neighbors. (But) now Russia has an alternative: cooperation, cooperation with NATO," he said.

Stoltenberg said in an interview: “It is possible that together we can find a way, a way forward politically, and also to allay Russia’s concerns … but there is still a risk of conflict. NATO’s deterrent Be reliable and strong…we have to have hope and work hard for the best possible outcome, but at the same time prepare for the worst."

Russia's demands include a ban on Ukraine and other countries from joining NATO, and the Kremlin's ability to exercise a veto over the activities of former Soviet republics that joined NATO after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Both points are unacceptable, Stoltenberg claimed, because they violate NATO's "core principles" of bringing all nations into NATO and protecting NATO members equally.

Instead, the United States and NATO are prepared to discuss with Russia the possibility of taking risk-reducing measures, "such as arms control, efforts to increase transparency in military activities, exercises and lines of communication," Stoltenberg claimed.

The United States, the European Union and other Western partners have warned they will impose so-called financial sanctions on Russia if the military escalates.

In addition, the United States is also preparing for the possibility of imposing trade restrictions on Russia and has been discussing the possibility of imposing a range of export controls on Russia with allies and partners in Europe and Asia, according to people familiar with the White House's thinking.

While the Kremlin hopes the talks will lead to a quick result, Stoltenberg said he expects a "series of meetings" will be needed to find an outcome acceptable to both sides.

"We are ready to work on improving relations. We have shown before that we can reach compromises and find solutions with Russia," the former Norwegian prime minister said.