Afghan Acting PM Calls On International Community To Recognize Taliban Regime


The interim government of Afghanistan held an economic meeting on the 19th. In his speech, Acting Prime Minister Hassan Akhund called on the international community to recognize the interim government established by the Taliban and establish diplomatic relations with it.

Hassan Akhund said that Afghanistan is at a critical stage in the country's development history, and the government will try its best to solve economic problems. Countries that call themselves human rights defenders have frozen Afghan assets abroad, leading to a humanitarian crisis for the Afghan population.

Abdul Salam Hanafi, Acting Deputy Prime Minister of Afghanistan's Interim Government, said in his speech that in the past 20 years, Afghanistan's economy has mainly relied on foreign aid, which is not only unhelpful for economic development but also breeds corruption. Afghanistan cannot rely on aid all the time, and Afghanistan's economic construction should be based on domestic development and self-sufficiency.

In his speech at the meeting, Acting Foreign Minister of the Afghan Interim Government Mottaki said that Afghanistan pursues a neutral, balanced and economy-centric foreign policy, to establish relations with countries based on economic mutual benefit, while developing Afghanistan into a regional economic hub. He said the Afghan interim government will try its best to create a safer environment for investors. He also called on the United States to unfreeze the Afghan central bank's overseas assets.

On August 30, 2021, a U.S. military transport plane carried the last group of U.S. servicemen out of Kabul, ending the 20-year war in Afghanistan. On September 7 of the same year, the Afghan Taliban announced the formation of an interim government, with Hassan Akhund serving as the acting prime minister of the interim government.