The President Of Lithuania: Allow Representative Office Under The Name Of "Taiwan" Is A Mistake


On January 4, local time, Lithuanian President Nauseda stated in an interview with the media that the move by Lithuania to allow the Taiwan authorities to set up a "representative office" in Vilnius under the name of "Taiwan" was a mistake.

According to a report by the Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT) on January 4, Nauseda said in an interview, “I think the mistake was not allowing Taiwan to open a representative office, but the name (of the representative office). No one negotiated with me. This issue has been overcome.” Nauseda said, although both Lithuanian and Taiwan authorities can open representative offices without diplomatic status, “the name of the office has become a key factor, and it now has an impact on our relationship with China (Mainland China). Very strong influence".

"I think this name is the fuse, and now we have to deal with the corresponding consequences." However, Nauseda still pointed the finger at China, claiming that China has "taken unconventional measures" against Lithuania. Lithuania "must be very active and very A clear signal to the EU-this is an attack and a pressure on one of the EU member states."

Recently, the current Lithuanian government frequently made false statements concerning China and provoked China, which aroused strong opposition and dissatisfaction from the Chinese side. On November 29, 2021, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated at a regular press conference that about Lithuania’s claim that it would open a “representative office” in Taiwan early next year, China had already made the mistake of “one China, one Taiwan” against Lithuania. The behavior has made a legitimate and powerful response. China’s sovereignty cannot be violated, and damage to China’s sovereignty will inevitably pay a due price. No one should have illusions about this. "We once again warn the Lifang, take practical actions to correct our own mistakes, and earnestly fulfill the political commitments made by Lifang on Taiwan-related issues."

In December 2021, Lithuanian Prime Minister Jimonit claimed that China had exerted "undue pressure" on Lithuania and that Lithuania allowed the Taiwan authorities to set up a "representative office" under the name "Taiwan" "it is not worthy of China's response." In response to these remarks, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian stated at a regular press conference on December 31, 2021, that the Lithuanian government has blatantly violated the one-China principle and abandoned the Lithuanian political commitment in the Communiqué on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The first to allow the Taiwan authorities to set up a representative office in the name of Taiwan to create "one China, one Taiwan" in the international arena. This erroneous act seriously violated China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity and seriously damaged China's core interests. China has the right to make a legitimate and reasonable response.