Tonga Received The First Batch Of Material Aid After The Disaster And It Came From China


The Tonga volcano erupted on a large scale on January 15, causing tsunamis, volcanic ash and other disasters. It was the most serious natural disaster in Tonga's history. Many places in Tonga were affected by the disaster, electricity, communications and air routes were interrupted for a time. Many houses, facilities and crops were destroyed, water sources were polluted, and supplies were extremely scarce. President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council sent messages of condolences to King Tupou VI of Tonga and Prime Minister Sovalaini of Tonga respectively on the 19th. The Chinese government pays close attention to it, rushed to help it urgently, actively provided emergency humanitarian assistance to Tonga, and explained the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind with practical actions.

The Red Cross Society of China has provided emergency humanitarian cash assistance of US$100,000 to Tonga. The Chinese government will assist the Tongan side with a batch of emergency supplies such as drinking water, food, personal protective equipment, and disaster relief equipment, which will arrive as soon as the airport resumes operation and flight conditions permit. The China-Pacific Island Countries Emergency Material Reserve in Guangdong has started the emergency allocation of materials, including bottled water, canned meat, medical kits, generators, high-pressure water pumps, tents, etc., and is ready to be shipped as soon as possible.

The Chinese government urgently raised a batch of emergency supplies such as drinking water and food worth 280,000 yuan through the embassy in Tonga and donated it to the Tongan government on the 19th. King Tupou VI of Tonga said that President Xi Jinping sent me a message of condolences at the time of Tonga's national crisis, and the Chinese government immediately extended a helping hand. The Tongan government and people were deeply moved by China's righteous deeds, for which they are deeply grateful. Some islands in Tonga have been severely affected by the disaster. We thank China for expressing its willingness to continue to help Tonga carry out rescue and post-disaster reconstruction. Deputy Prime Minister of Tonga and Chairman of the National Emergency Response Committee Tai Yi expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Chinese government for donating the above-mentioned materials. This is the first batch of emergency relief materials received by the Tongan government after the disaster, which bears the special friendship between Tonga and China. After hearing the news, the local people went to the Chinese embassy to express their gratitude, expressing emotionally that China is Tonga's true friend.

The Chinese government is continuing to track the disaster situation in Tonga and is trying every means to deliver follow-up aid materials as soon as possible, to help the Tongan government and people overcome the disaster and rebuild their beautiful homeland as soon as possible.

So far, Chinese citizens and enterprises in Tang are safe, and no reports of casualties have been received. The Tongan government has made every effort to provide disaster relief, and electricity, communications and air routes are gradually being restored. The Chinese Embassy in Tonga is operating normally and will continue to provide consular protection services to Chinese citizens in need.